Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Facebook Creepers

Ever wonder how many of your friends are creeping out your Facebook profile? I do. It kind of freaks me out. I'd be nervous to find out.

The other day, I logged into my Facebook account and some random person sent me a message. Wondering who in the world it could be, I opened it up to find out it was a thirty seven year old dude who came across my profile and thought my profile picture was pretty. That was the third message I'd gotten this month. Who does that? Would you? I know I wouldn't, if only because I'd be too scared to.

After this incident, I changed my profile picture to this:

I figure if that doesn't deter them, then nothing will.

One of my friends recently told me that EVERYBODY uses Facebook to creep on all their friends. Thanks to him, I am now paranoid. And I had nightmares.

Just kidding. But seriously, surely everyone doesn't creep on everyone else? Doesn't anyone use Facebook any more just as a fun tool to add weird applications and maybe stay in touch with people you haven't talked to in a while? It really made me consider who I've added as a friend. Are they really my friends? Do I like them enough to give them access to all that personal information, right down to where I live?! And should I delete them, or would that just be rude?

So many questions! I suppose I could just go on like before and pretend I don't know that all my friends are creeping on me - but I don't think that's possible now! I am truly in a dilemma.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you want you personal info to stay personal get rid of you profile. Its that simple. You dont need to make friends on the web, your cool enough to do it in real life, believe me. 8)