Friday, September 26, 2008

Feels Like Science Fiction!

So I heard today that a particle collider is being built! Or rather, that it's been shut down temporarily due to magnetic meltdown.

Labeled the "biggest physics experiment in history" by MSNBC, it's supposed to give insight into the working of subatomic particles. In other words, they're trying to find the "god" particle - a subatomic particle that gives all things their mass. This is supposed to radically restructure our knowledge of the atom.

For those of you who don't know, scientists can't figure out what gives a proton its' mass, which is why they are theorizing about this new particle.

If the above paragraphs mean anything to you, please let me know. Because I have no idea why in the world they have to build a 27-km long particle collider in order to prove the hypothetical existance of some particle. On one hand, I think it's an insane waste of money; on the other, it might provide interesting results. I'd never even heard of a "god" particle before reading the article about the particle collider.

What will happen if they prove it exists? It fits with the theories, after all.

Better yet, what will happen if they prove it doesn't? Will science have to be re-thought? When I first heard about this particle collider, I thought it sounded like something out of a sci-fi flick. After all, smashing two streams of protons together by supercooled magnets ... sounds insane. Or brilliant.

Maybe this will change the course of the world as we know it. Or maybe it'll have no bearing whatsoever. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about ... which is more than likely. Anyway, it's pretty cool, isn't it?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shi Gatsu, Hairdresser?!

So I cut my roommate's hair today!

It was an exciting experience. I had complete power over the decision whether or not to make him look like a doofus.

It was very, very tempting to give him a bowl cut. But I restrained myself! I actually did pretty good, too. Except I forgot about his cowlick, so the front looks weird.

In my defense, I did warn him I sucked at cutting hair. But he wanted it done anyway. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not-So-Creative Writing

So I'm taking this class called Creative Writing. Except it isn't very creative. When you think of creative writing, what do you think of? I think of WRITING THAT IS CREATIVE. Be it poetry, prose, or short story, or whatever. Not cliche, not necessarily following the rules. You know, creative. Unfortunately for me, my teacher does not have the same idea. For me, if you get a good result, who cares if you break a few grammatical rules? For him, though, it's all about the fame.

My teacher is one of those people who believes that, if a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody around to hear it, it doesn't actually make a sound. Consequently, he believes that if you create something, and you don't let people criticize it, it isn't actually art. Go figure. This rankles, especially since I don't often show people my work.

I wanted to tell him that a lack of audience doesn't make something any less a work of art, obviously. Moron.

He went on to tell us it was impossible for us to get an A in his class, because none of us would be that good writers. Supportive, eh?

Here's a picture of me before class:

I curled my hair nicely and did my make up the way I normally do. I even put in earrings. I was determined to go to this class with a good attitude.

Here's a picture of me after class:

I'm determined to prove him wrong. I'm going to write something so good he'll be forced to give me an A. And not just any A, oh no. An A+! That's my goal for this year.

Facebook Creepers

Ever wonder how many of your friends are creeping out your Facebook profile? I do. It kind of freaks me out. I'd be nervous to find out.

The other day, I logged into my Facebook account and some random person sent me a message. Wondering who in the world it could be, I opened it up to find out it was a thirty seven year old dude who came across my profile and thought my profile picture was pretty. That was the third message I'd gotten this month. Who does that? Would you? I know I wouldn't, if only because I'd be too scared to.

After this incident, I changed my profile picture to this:

I figure if that doesn't deter them, then nothing will.

One of my friends recently told me that EVERYBODY uses Facebook to creep on all their friends. Thanks to him, I am now paranoid. And I had nightmares.

Just kidding. But seriously, surely everyone doesn't creep on everyone else? Doesn't anyone use Facebook any more just as a fun tool to add weird applications and maybe stay in touch with people you haven't talked to in a while? It really made me consider who I've added as a friend. Are they really my friends? Do I like them enough to give them access to all that personal information, right down to where I live?! And should I delete them, or would that just be rude?

So many questions! I suppose I could just go on like before and pretend I don't know that all my friends are creeping on me - but I don't think that's possible now! I am truly in a dilemma.


Yep, that's what I had for breakfast. The two don't mix very well ...

Well! Today I found out just how lazy my roommate is! I went to class this morning, and when I came home he was still sitting in the exact same position I'd left him, in front of his xbox, playing live with some friends. Of course, I understand the importance of xbox, yet I thought to myself that maybe the molding dishes in the sink that he was supposed to do could have used a little attention.

Ah, what can I say? I love him. Yet sometimes I want to strangle him. Oh well. So I did the dishes, and then I made him food ... I feel bad for myself sometimes.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Power Of The Situation

So I'm doing an essay in Psychology on how situations influence people. Who would have thought that one little factor could have so much power over everything else?

All the evidence I've found so far points to the situation as holding all power. Apparently any given situation can override even the strongest and most developed personality. I wonder why?

I think situational influence is just a way to lay blame. But think about it, it's kind of stupid - "The situation made me do it!" Why? Isn't it still a choice? Of course it is. Power of the situation is simply a myth created by psychologists in order to explain the weakness of human nature.